Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stray Flights #1: Desiccate, Page 8

Begin 'Desiccate' / Go to Previous Page / Go to Next Page

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And we have arrived at the final page!  Can you believe it?  Now, a good editor would no doubt tell me that this page is unnecessary as well, but here it is nonetheless.  I couldn't help myself, I wanted some kind of capping image for the little story, and the Pierre Loti quote just really served to bring home the message of madness inside Paul.
The crazy continues after the break.

I'm actually really pleased with how this one turned out.  The textures fit just right, really accentuating the windswept, desolation of the desert.  Plus, destruction is always fun to draw.

Highly detailed, destroyed environments are something I'd really like to experiment with.  As you'll see next week, the upcoming Stray Flight is drawn in a very different style than 'Desiccate,' for that's the point right?  Experimentation?  Remember, I'm always open to featuring Stray Flights, short comics, by other people, here on the website.  Also, don't forget that this Stray Flight was brought to you by Andrew Bosley's Brainstormer.

Also, I've updated the Stray Flights tab at the top of the site.  Check it out to see the upcoming adventures and their debut dates!

I think the final thing we need to take away is that 'madness' is a clear and debilitating phenomenon, one that should be taken seriously in our day and age.  Till next week my wonderful Stray Flyers!

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