What is this place?
Artagem is allegedly a catch all for graphic stories made my me, Max Miller. It’s a self-publishing fantasy only made possible by the enchantment of the internet. If you like what you see please pass the site along to a friend, and if you don’t, then please subject an enemy to it.
Who is Max Miller?
Reformed fine artist. After the requisite BA in painting and art history from the College of Charleston I attended the classical atelier of Charles Cecil Studios in Florence, Italy. It was my pleasure to learn the methods and minds of the masters of portraiture while I lived the ocher and cerulean lifestyle of an American in Italy, resulting in a gelato addiction. Desiring the ability to tell more of a story than a single static painting could provide, I’ve gradually found myself here, presenting to you a series of sequential static pictures that should result in something cohesive. An equal love of writing and drawing has conspired to create this desire to weave graphic tales, and a latent need for validation causes me to set it out there for others to see. Speaking of, if you're in the mood for some paintings, they're here: www.MaxMillerArt.com
What's this "Chandra" thing?
Chandra is a graphic novel attempt that I began last year. It's in stasis now, though it is finished. There are far too many problems and drawbacks with it in its current state to call it "professionally done." Think of it as a rough draft. I suppose it exists as a record of my learning process over the past year. It's here for everyone to look at and make suggestions, so I'd love to hear feedback.
So what are Stray Flights?
This is where you'll find little experiments. Short works that don't really have any other home. Think 2000 AD's Future Shocks, or old Heavy Metal stories.
And you're serving leftovers?
As much as I'd love to unload the stack of moldering containers in the fridge, these "leftovers" aren't those. This is the spot for things that really don't have any other place to go. I'm talking random orphans and stuff. Single works, guest items and general tasty bits.
Hey, wait a minute, that banner at the top of your site looks nothing like Chandra, what is that from?
Yes, you're right, and very observant. That, my friends, is from my next endeavor, on which I am hard at work right this instant. This will be my first REAL project. More updates will come along as I have them but until then please enjoy the other offerings available.
When do you update?
As much as possible. Chandra always updates on Tuesday and Friday morning. Whenever I have Stray Flights they'll be put up on Sunday evening. But check back plenty because I might sneak more on if I’m completely overflowing with things to share.