Friday, August 26, 2011

Chandra, Page 16: Kiss Ol' Miss Earth

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So, we've got a hurricane blowing down our necks in the Philly area.  I'm headed west for a few days, but here's Chandra, page 16 to kick off your weekend.  Hopefully it'll be dryer than mine.

It seems here that our dear Dr. Bannister is heading home.  I had a good time drawing both of these characters, each of them have a fun look to play around with, from Dr. McBee's dumpy habitus to Dr. Bannister's aesthetic of rumpled academic.  There's still a real measure of stiffness in the characters in this clinic scene.  I find tinges of things that I like, but overall the people feel like their floating in time, stuck into positions that don't feel altogether natural.  The doubling up of the first and second panel also irks me for some reason.  It's hard to get an immediate feel for the different angles of view that suit a particular scene but I am a firm believer that there is always a better, and perhaps even a best, way to do something.

I am happy with how that anatomical chart turned out though.  I'm also fond of the angle over Dr. Bannister's shoulder in the fourth panel.

See everyone Sunday, provided my house is still here and not carried away by the flood!

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