Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chandra, Page 2: It Looks Like A Rabbit

The Beginning of Chandra / Go to the Previous Page / Continue to the Next Page

It's true, I can't NOT see a rabbit when I look at the moon.  It's always been that way.

I have to say that these first five pages came out a little more purple than I would have liked.  I sort of envisioned them as a bit more tangerine when I was conceiving this.  The thing is, an artist's effectiveness is dictated by his ability with the tools he chooses.  So, when hindered by the challenges of a new material/medium one can find it difficult to get right at that idea that's hovering in their mind.  You can see it, but it's a matter of getting your hands to do the mind's bidding.  It's tough, and frustrating and it leaves a lot of people weeping in the corner, including me.

By the by, who are this guy and this kid?  They don't have names, hmmm...

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