Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stray Flights #1: Desiccate, Page 6

Begin 'Desiccate' / Go to Previous Page / Go to Next Page

There are trees down all around the outside of the house but the threat of the innocuous sounding Hurricane Irene is over.  I almost (SERIOUSLY almost) ran my car into a downed tree on the highway last night.  Scary stuff.  To all of you more closely affected by the Hurricane, here's hoping you're all alright. 

BUT, I survived and I'm bringing you, my friends, page 6 of 'Desiccate' wherein our hero is at the edge of a surprise.  You can probably guess where this is going from here.  I think the textures turned out great on this page.  There's not quite enough expression in the protagonist's face there in the last panel, but our sound effect text is willing to shoulder some of the dramatic burden.

You can see I'm still experimenting with 'camera' placement when making graphic novels and stories.  There's no real reason to have the first panel pulled back so far.  In fact, this page went through a lot of revision in the thumbnail state.  I originally had it at six panels, zooming into Peter's face over a much longer period of time, but, we're striving for punchiness here.  Three panels seemed to do the trick better and with more kick.  Turn the page next Sunday for 'the BIG reveal!'  (HINT: Train your sharp eyes on the background of the last panel.)

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