Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chandra Page 15: Spikoot!

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Well, here we meet members seven and eight of our Chandra crew.  Two doctors, including the aforementioned, mysterious Dr. Bannister that Jason was looking for.  I wanted Dr. McBee to smoke and really be a crusty old bird but I chose to make her chew tobacco instead.  Considering the air filters there on the base it seemed a logical change.

Also, for those of you that may have caught it yesterday and this morning, ignore my foray into Wordpress.  I'm sticking her on Blogger for the time being.


Hubby Jack said...

Ha! Loved the spitting into the cup. You don't see that enough.

Max Miller Dowdle said...

Hehe, thanks. Yeah Dr. McBee has moved past the point of caring just how gross she might be. She was a fun character to work with.